
Stage 3 (Year 5 & 6) Curriculum

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Values and Attitudes Knowledge Skills
It is intended that the students will be able to: It is intended that the students will
be able to:
It is intended that the students will be able to:
develop an awareness and appreciation of the Trinity as the name given to the three persons in one God name the persons of the Blessed Trinity and identify other titles by which God is known listen and respond to Scripture stories identifying images and titles of the persons of the Trinity
develop an awareness and appreciation of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit identify and describe the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit examine ways in which they can nurture the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their own lives
develop an awareness and appreciation of the significance of stewardship identify how human beings have misused/mistreated God’s creation and explain how stewardship can remedy this examine practical ways of being stewards of creation so that they may be able to apply these actions to their own lives
develop an awareness and appreciation of God guiding creation towards perfection identify that only God can create from nothing demonstrate through word, symbol or art a personal response to the magnificence and perfection of God’s creation
develop an awareness and appreciation of the knowledge that Jesus instituted seven sacraments through which we receive grace

explain how word, symbol and ritual are used in sacramental  celebrations

group the sacraments appropriately and match them with their rituals and symbols

develop an awareness and appreciation of the Catholic Church in Australia having a special story

explore the traditions, beliefs and history which are important to the life of the Catholic Church

research the history of the Catholic Church in Australia, analysing the influence of key people and events
develop an awareness and appreciation of some of the major Seasons and celebrations in the Church’s liturgical year identify that Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving when we are challenged to live more like Jesus examine practical ways of being able to live more like Jesus
develop an awareness and appreciation of the beliefs and traditions which are expressed in the story of the Catholic Church identify and summarise the main components of the celebration of the Mass reflect on and discuss how we gain strength as a community celebrating the Mass together
develop an awareness and appreciation of  their responsibility to live according to the values of Jesus explain the consequences of living according to the values of Jesus

analyse their own actions according to the values of Jesus

develop an awareness and appreciation of the Beatitudes being central to Jesus’ teachings and that they express his plan for our happiness in this world and the next

describe ways in which the People of God reach out, and fail to reach out to others

examine practical ways of practising and nurturing the actions of the Beatitudes


Stage 3
Year 5
Year 6


God, The Holy Trinity

  • The Trinity is the central mystery of our faith.
  • God the Father is our Creator; God the Son is our Redeemer; God the Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier;
  • God promised to send us a Saviour
  • Jesus the Son of God, is truly God and truly human.
  • Jesus Christ is the true God. He is the second person of the Blessed Trinity.
  • We call Jesus 'The Christ' which means the 'The Annointed One of God.'
  • Jesus Christ rose in the same human body that suffered on the Cross.
  • The Holy Spirit led Jesus to begin his mission.
  • The Holy Spirit is God active in the world.
  • The fruits of the Spirit reveal to us the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in the community.
  • God speaks to us in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition in Jesus Christ, God became man.
  • Through our celebration of the birth of Jesus we remember and reflect on the presence of God in the world today.
  • By his sacrifice on the Cross, Jesus overcame sin and death. We celebrate his sacrifice in the Eucharist.
  • After his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us.
  • The Ascension of Jesus marks the end of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus, as Jesus now enters into a new kind of existence.
  • Jesus asked God his Father to send the Holy Spirit to be with us always.
  • The Holy Spirit strengthens us in the sacrament of Confirmation



  • All creation is "very good"(Gen. 1:31) and is in the likeness of God, reflecting his own infinite perfections in a multiplicity of ways.
  • God asks us to respect the life he gave us.
  • Stewardship calls us to take responsibility for the protection and care of all the earth community by exploring and developing better ways to live in peace with all creation.
  • Taking 'sabbath' time is an important way of tuning in and responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
  • God has given each person free wil and the power to choose.
  • Those who die in God's grace and fiendship live forever with Christ
  • I only die once because in the world, I only have one life.
  • At death, my soul is separated from my body. Jesus will com again at the end of time to judge the living and the dead.
  • We believe in the Resurrection of the body at the end of time.
  • At the end of life we will be judged on our love. The work of angels is to give glory to God and participate in the Trinity's saving mission.


The Church

  • All creation is "very good"(Gen. 1:31) and is in the likeness of God, reflecting his own infinite perfections in a multiplicity of ways.
  • God asks us to respect the life he gave us.
  • Stewardship calls us to take responsibility for the protection and care of all the earth community by exploring and developing better ways to live in peace with all creation.
  • Taking 'sabbath' time is an important way of tuning in and responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
  • God has given each person free wil and the power to choose.
  • Those who die in God's grace and fiendship live forever with Christ
  • We believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
  • Other Christians share in one baptism and one faith in Jesus. We pray and work for unity with them.
  • Through Baptism we share in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • In Confirmation the seal of the Spirit perfects the grace of Baptism.
  • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, right judgement, courage, knowledge, reverence, wonder and awe in God's presence.
  • In the Eucharist the sacrifice of Christ becomes also the sacrifice of the members of his Body.
  • We are nourished by the presence of Jesus in the Eucharistic celebration.
  • All members of the Church (lay and ordained) are called to use their own gifts and talents in building up the Church.
  • The sacrament of Marriage is the union in love of a man and a woman.
  • Marriage between a man and a woman is called a covenant. It is based on Gods love, help and forgiveness.
  • Bishop, priests and deacons serve us in the name and person of Christ. Only baptised men can be ordained.
  • The Sacred Scriptures contain the Word of God and, because they are insprired they are truly the Word of God.
  • In the Old Testament, we encounter the story of God, God's chosen people and of their relationship with God.
  • In the New Testament we learn of Jesus Christ and the early Christian community as well as angels who help her on her earthly pilgrimage and protect every human being


Liturgical Year

  • During Lent we are called to reach out to others as Jesus did.
  • Lent is the season of forty days when we prepare to celebrate the death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus during Holy Week and Easter.
  • In Holy Week we remember the rejection, suffering, death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The Easter Vigil is the most important liturgy of the Church calendar. In the liturgy, the Holy Spirit enables the assembly to encounter Christ.
  • Jesus is with us in our Sunday Liturgy - The Eucharist.
  • Mary has been greatly blessed by God and she is honoured by all generations. Mary was assumed body and soul into Heaven. Mary continues to be honoured through her fesat days.
  • In Advent we prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
  • In Advent we are given time to reflect upon, and live out, the hope and expectation of Chirst's coming.
  • At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus, when God came to earth and became one of us. Christmas is the great feast of the Incarnation, one of the key mysteries of our faith
  • In Lent, the Church calls us to pray more, to make sacrifices and to give to the poor.
  • On Holy Thursday we remember the Last Supper.
  • In Holy Week the Church remembers that Jesus, in being faithful to his mission suffered and was crucified.
  • We call the celebration of the Eucharist the Mass. It is the thanksgiving sacrifice of Jesus, offered for the living and the dead.
  • The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost Day and entirely transformed disciples into apostles who not only lived for Jesus but also died as his witnesses.
  • Mary is the mother of God because Jesus is God.
  • Mary was created free from sin. This means she was 'full of grace' from the first instant she existed.
  • We call this her 'Immaculate Conception'.
  • During Advent we are reminded of the people who are part of Jesus' family story.
  • Their patience and hope are part of God's message.
  • At Christmas we celebrate our belief that the Son of God was born of the Virgin Mary, became human and lived among us.


The Moral Life

  • My Conscience guides me to right and good choices.
  • God has given us a conscience to form our judgements.
  • When properly formed, conscience guides our actions in freedom towards him. God asks us to be responsible for the life he has given us.
  • Jesus shows us by his life what justice means: we are called to live and act justly. The corporal works of mercy
  • The world will know us as follwers of Jesus by the fruits of the Holy Spirit which are visible in our actions.
  • Modern day prophets work towards a fairer distribution of resources to create a more just world.
  • The Catholic Church in Australia reaches out to people who struggle to live with dignity. Lent is a time of growth and conversion.
  • Jesus' teachings reveal to us God's immense love and joy at our turning away from sin.
  • The Ten Commandments teach us to live as God intended.
  • God's mercy is shown to those who repent, usually in the sacrament of Penance. The sacrament of Penance gives us the grace to overcome sins.
  • The Catholic Church acknowledges that human beings are imperfect. We are not evil, but everyone has certain weaknesses.
  • The effects of original sin draw us away from God.
  • The Beatitudes express Christ's plan for our happiness in his world and the next.
  • Christ emphasised the following virtues as blessed and deserving of reward: humility, patience, meekness, purity, and the capacity to make peace.
  • Through Jesus' actions and teachings we learn about understanding and accepting others and looking beyond externals to the true worth of the person.
  • All Christians are called to celebrate and live a new and faithful life in the Spirit and to proclaim Jesus courageously in word and deed to all those around them.
  • The Lord's Prayer shows us how to pray to the Father.
  • There are various kinds of prayer: blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise.
  • Self-denial is an important part of Christian prayer.